Pride and Prejudice
Po Tse (Illustrations)
Stacy King, Jane Austen
Series: Manga Classics
Hardcover: 376 pages
Publisher: Udon Entertainment
Release Date: August 12, 2014
Source: NetGalley
Goodreads – Amazon
Beloved by millions the world over, Pride & Prejudice is delightfully transformed in this bold, new manga adaptation. All of the joy, heartache, and romance of Jane Austen's original, perfectly illuminated by the sumptuous art of manga-ka Po Tse, and faithfully adapted by Stacy E. King.
As many of you know I am a long time fan of Pride and Prejudice. While I have read the original tale two times, adaptations and movie versions of P&P have gotten me through many hard moments in my life. When I got the NetGalley email that they had this manga form I jumped at the chance to experience this story in a new form.
What I liked
The art to accompany this manga by Po Tse is stunning. It went along with the classic Pride and Prejudice tale so well and really added to the story line in this re-write.
(A scene with all the sisters together. Copied from my ARC.)
For the most part everything I love experiencing in P&P is recaptured in this manga. I was very pleasantly surprised to read a lot of the original dialog to go along with the amazing artwork. I also wasn’t sure if the relationships between the characters would come across in this form, but it did. I fell in love with them all again.
What I didn’t like
I could sit here and dissect all the tiny inaccuracies of the original P&P, but honestly I was able to read this without all the nit picky things getting on my nerves. I enjoyed this manga for what it was.
Should you go get a copy?
Yes! If you are a P&P fan like me I think you will enjoy this story all over again in a new way. If you have always wanted to try reading P&P and just didn’t think you could get through the classic give this a try. I don’t think you will be disappointed.
Happy Reading
Hi I'm from Peru and a big fan of Jane Austin I tried to dowload this book but I coulkdn't and I can't buy it either.Because my parents say that it's silly and that it's a waste of money.So O was asking if you could pass me the boy by my g-mail.Thanks