Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ARC Review & Giveaway: The Waiting Sky by Lara Zielin

The Waiting Sky

Title: The Waiting Sky
Author: Lara Zielin
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Release Date: August 2, 2012 
ISBN-10: 0399256865
ISBN-13: 978-0399256868
Source: Publisher
Goodreads   Amazon   Book Depository

One summer chasing tornadoes could finally change Jane's life for the better.

Seventeen-year-old Jane McAllister can't quite admit her mother's alcoholism is spiraling dangerously out of control until she drives drunk, nearly killing them and Jane's best friend.

Jane has only one place to turn: her older brother Ethan, who left the problems at home years ago for college. A summer with him and his tornado-chasing buddies may just provide the time and space Jane needs to figure out her life and whether it still includes her mother. But she struggles with her anger at Ethan for leaving home and feels guilty--is she also abandoning her mom just when she needs Jane most? The carefree trip turned journey of self-discovery quickly becomes more than Jane bargained for, especially when the devilishly handsome Max steps into the picture.(Goodreads)


Can I just start this review with some cover love?!?! Ok, lets take a moment and look again… It is so stunning! It’s even better in person. All right on to the real review.

OK, so after trying like eight times to write this review I finally gave up and did a gushy vlog review to get what I was trying to say across. If you are not one that likes to watch reviews, let me just say I loved The Waiting Sky! It is an awesome YA contemporary that deals with real issues and really gets it. The Waiting Sky has awesome memorable characters that I fell in love with. And I already want to read it again.

Loved it! I want to know about everything this author writes.

Happy Reading and watching,

My Ramble

The Waiting Sky Giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Good idea for a video review rather than gush with ink!!

    I am DYING to read this book. DYING. First? I have always wanted to be a tornado chaser, so I love that aspect! And the cover?? SWOON.

    Great review!

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

    1. Thanks!
      I really think you will love this, Jac. I hope you get to read it soon.

  2. Yep, the cover is beautiful. It sounds good too. ;) win win.

  3. I loved your vlog review of this book! Your accent is lovely (I'm Aussie!) and listing to this made me smile, I can tell you really loved this. I know I am going to connect with this book on so many levels.

    I don't think it's being published over here, so thank you so much for making this an international giveaway!

    Mands xox

  4. I adored The Waiting Sky and I'm so very glad to hear you enjoyed it, too! Great vlog, I agree with everything you said! Especially the romance part. It was sweet and I appreciated that it didn't control the story. Also, love your accent (I'm Aussie). Thanks for the giveaway, I can't wait to get myself a pretty, gorgeous finished copy for my shelf!


Thanks so much for the comment love!