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This Weeks Question:
Q: If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?
WOW! It is amazing how my brain went strait to the gutter for this one:) Ok let me now think of an answer anyone can read…lol
Umm you know I love The Fever series and I would love to sit down with Mac. You know just to catch up on how all my fav characters are doing. I know what you’re thinking, why not pick Barrons? See my above thought ;) As for what I would serve, what does it matter I would be getting insider info on Barrons! Isn’t that yummy enough.
Happy Hopping,

Another person who answered Jericho. Jericho Jericho me want you as well. Good answer.
ReplyDeleteLivre De Amour-Books of Love Blog
Hopping through. I'd love to hang out with Mac. I like her spunk.
ReplyDeleteMy Hop
This is my all time favorite series, a great choice! I chose Barrons as well.
ReplyDeleteMy FF -
Have a nice weekend..
Looove Jericho, old follower, here's mine
ReplyDeleteOoOooOh!! Fever love!!
Xpresso Reads
This is a popular choice today. Already a follower :-)
ReplyDeleteHave a great weekend!
Oh yeah!! Totally forgot about this one! Always feel on the spot when trying to put these posts together!!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Friday Hops
Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
Seriously I need to read this series! But you're right about the gutter...I went there too!
ReplyDeleteNot such an old follower,
Screw Mac...Barrons it is! Lol Why would I want her there? She's the competition! Lol
ReplyDeleteHere's mine: Goldilox's FF've got me so curious about this Barrons! I have to find out more about this series, since I've never heard of it, although I have heard of the author. Thanks for featuring it!
ReplyDeleteI'm an 'old' follower. Here's my FF post:
Getting the inside info on your fave characters is genius! And how better to entice the juicy details out of her then with a home cooked meal?
ReplyDeleteI chose Ai Ling from Silver Phoenix cos that girl loves to eat!
New follower hopping through.